I've taken a bunch of new kaleiodphoto-able pictures, I really have. But my most recent kaleidophotos were inspired by pictures my friends took. In each case, I shamelessly stole their photo, played with it and sent them the kaleidophoto back. And in each case, they were thrilled with the result.
Here's my friend Laurie's photo of Monument Valley, Arizona. I was just itching to get my hands on those lines and shapes. And those colors!!
I made two, and I can't decide which I like better.
Then today, Jake posted thsi great picture of an old barn at his parents' house. (And now I SO want to go photograph their barns, too. Thanks a LOT, Jake.)
And the resulting kaleidophoto was this little charmer.
I saved the slice, so I'm sure I'll be revisitng this barn and its buddies soon.
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